Enhancing Lube Equipment with Prism M Singe Stage Paint
As a lube equipment manufacturer, it’s imperative that we regularly consider the overall value that our products have in relation to their cost to the end user. A lube truck or skid’s value, while never exactly the fiscal sum of its parts, is equitable to how well it performs – thus creating correlation between the efficacy of its parts and it’s worth on the market.
At Taylor Pump and Lift, we recognize that partnering with top-tier parts & product manufacturers is vital to the success of our products out in the field. That’s why our current partnership lineup includes trusted brands like Alemite, Graco, Raasm, Champion Air, Reelcraft, and C-Tech Manufacturing.
Alongside these parts manufacturers, our partnership with Sherwin Williams/Martin Senour just got even better with our adoption of the Prism Series M Single Stage paint for all our lube skids, tanks, and trucks. This premium, acrylic polyurethane paint offers incredible durability, makes clean up easy, has a UV protectant, and offers protection against adhesion and corrosion. We also add an epoxy primer underneath to ensure a solid, smooth surface before paint.
In addition, it looks amazing in almost any color, adding extra depth and shine to white, black, and silver and comes with a 3-year warranty.
As always, we’ve actively made this adjustment and added this product to our lineup in an effort to continue to add value and offer our customers a better product for their money. Our goal is to build the best product, on-time, every time.
Interested in more information? Contact us today!